In this strange labyrinth how shall I turn?
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
Ways are on all sides while the way I miss;
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->1.1]]Which path straight leads unto the soul's content
(click-replace: "path")[line]
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
(if: $12NorthCheck is 'true')[[[West->2.1]]]If to the right hand, there in love I burn;
(set: $12North to false)
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))}
[[West->1.2]]Is to (link: "leave")[(show:?Begin)] all, and take the thread of love
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
|Begin)[[[Start Over?->Begin]]]Let me go forward, therein danger is;
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
(set: $12NorthCheck to 'true')If to the left, suspicion hinders bliss,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]Let me turn back, shame cries I ought return
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->1.5]]Nor faint, though crosses with* my fortunes kiss;
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->1.6]]Stand still is harder, although sure to mourn.
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]Thus let me take the right, or left hand way;
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]Go forward, or stand still, or back retire;
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->1.9]]I must these doubts endure without allay
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]Or help, but travail (display: "Map")[find] for my best hire;
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->1.11]]Yet that which most my troubled sense doth move
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]Is to (link: "leave")[(show:?Begin)] all, and take the thread of love.
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
|Begin)[[[Start Over?->Begin]]]Where choice delights with* pleasure's wings do move,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->2.2]]And idle fancy never room had lent,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]When chaste thoughts guide us then our minds are bent
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->2.4]]To take that good which ills from us remove,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]Light of true love, brings [[fruit->12.4]] which none repent
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->2.6]]But constant lovers seek, and wish to prove.
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]Love is the shining star of blessing's light;
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]The fervent fire of zeal, the root of peace,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
(set: $dothrespire to 'true')That lasting lamp fed with the oil of right;
/pick up oil of right/
(set: $oilofright to "true")
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]Image of faith, and womb for joy's increase.
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]Love is true virtue, and his end's delight
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]His flames are joys, his bands true lovers' might.
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->2.13]]His flames are joys, his bands true lovers' might,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]No stain is there, but pure, as purest white,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]Where no cloud can appear to (text-style: "blur")[dim] his light,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]Nor spot defile, but shame will soon requite,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]Here are affections tried* by love's just might
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->3.4]]As (click: "fire")[gold] by fire, and (click: "white")[black] discerned by white,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West](click: "truth")[Error] by truth, and (click: "light")[darkness] known by light,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->3.6]]Where faith is valued for love to requite,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]Please him, and serve him, glory in his might,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->3.8]]And firm he'll be, as innocency white,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]Clear as th'air, warm as sunbeams, as daylight,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]Just as truth, constant as fate, joyed to requite,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]Then love obey, strive to observe his might,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->3.12]]And be in his brave court a glorious light.
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->3.13]]And be in his brave court a glorious light,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]Shine in the eyes of faith, and constancy,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]Maintain the fires of love still burning bright
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->4.2]]Not slightly sparkling but light flaming be.
(text-color: "#696969")[East]
(text-color: "#696969")[South]
(text-color: "#696969")[West]Never to slack till earth no stars can see,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]Till sun, and moon do (link: "leave")[(show:?Begin)] to us dark night,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
|Begin)[[[Start Over?->Begin]]]And second (link-goto: "chaos",(either: "1.1", "1.2", "1.3", "1.4", "1.5", "1.6", "1.7", "1.8", "1.9", "1.10", "1.11", "1.12", "1.13", "1.14", "2.1", "2.2", "2.3", "2.4", "2.5", "2.6", "2.7", "2.8", "2.9", "3.1", "3.2", "3.3", "3.4", "3.5", "3.6", "3.7", "3.8", "3.9", "3.10", "3.11", "3.12", "3.13", "3.14", "4.1", "4.2", "4.3", "4.4", "4.5", "4.6", "4.8", "4.9", "4.10", "4.11", "4.12", "4.13", "4.14", "5.1", "5.2", "5.3", "5.4", "5.5", "5.6", "5.7", "5.8", "5.9", "5.10", "5.11", "5.12", "5.13", "5.14", "6.1", "6.2", "6.3", "6.4", "6.5", "6.6", "6.7", "6.8", "6.9", "6.10", "6.11", "6.12", "6.13", "6.14", "7.1", "7.2", "7.3", "7.4", "7.5", "7.6","7.7", "7.8", "7.9", "7.10", "7.11", "7.12", "7.13", "7.14", "8.1", "8.2", "8.3", "8.4", "8.5", "8.6", "8.7", "8.8", "8.9", "8.10", "8.11", "8.12", "8.13", "8.14", "9.1", "9.2", "9.3", "9.4", "9.5", "9.6", "9.7", "9.8", "9.9", "9.10", "9.11", "9.12", "9.13", "9.14", "10.1", "10.2", "10.3", "10.4", "10.5", "10.6", "10.7", "10.8", "10.9", "10.10", "10.11", "10.12", "10.13", "10.14", "11.1", "11.2", "11.3", "11.4", "11.5", "11.6", "11.7", "11.8", "11.9", "11.10", "11.11", "11.12", "11.13", "11.14", "12.1", "12.2", "12.3", "12.4", "12.5", "12.6", "12.7", "12.8", "12.9", "12.10", "12.11", "12.12", "12.13", "12.14", "13.1", "13.2", "13.3", "13.4", "13.5", "13.6", "13.7", "13.8", "13.9", "13.10", "13.11", "13.12", "13.13", "13.14", "14.1", "14.2", "14.3", "14.4", "14.5", "14.6", "14.7", "14.8", "14.9", "14.10", "14.11", "14.12", "14.13", "14.14")) once again do free
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->4.6]]Us and the world from all division's spite,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]Till then, affections which his followers are
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->4.8]]Govern our hearts, and prove his power's gain
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]To taste this pleasing sting seek with all care
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->4.10]]For happy smarting is it with small pain,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->4.11]]Such as although it pierce your tender heart
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
(click-replace: "tender")[smarting]
(click-replace: "smarting")[burning]
(click-replace: "burning")[forward]
(click-replace: "forward")[perplexed]
(click-replace: "perplexed")[tender]
And burn, yet burning you will love the smart.
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->4.13]]And burn, yet burning you will love the smart,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]When you shall feel the weight of true desire,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]So pleasing, as you would not wish your part
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]Of burden should be missing from that fire;
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->5.3]]But faithful, and unfeigned heat aspire
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->5.4]]Which sin abolisheth, and doth impart
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->5.5]]Salves to all (click-replace: "fear")[fears]fear, with (if:(click-replace: "fear"))[virtues]virtue which inspire
*trying to get "virtue" to change to "virtues" when I click "fear" and it changes into "fears"
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]Souls with divine love, which shows his chaste art,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->5.7]]And guide he is to joyings; open eyes
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->5.8]]He hath to happiness, and best can learn
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]Us means how to deserve, this he descries,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->5.10]]Who blind yet doth our hiddenest thought* discern.
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->5.11]]Thus may we* gain since living in blest love,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]He may our profit,* and our tutor prove.
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]He may our profit* and our tutor prove
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]In whom alone we do this power (link: "find")[(show:?map)],
|map)[(display: "Map")]
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]To join two hearts as in one frame to move;
(text-color: "#696969")[East]
(text-color: "#696969")[South]
[[West->6.2]]Two bodies, but one soul to rule the mind;
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]Eyes with much care to one dear object bind,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->6.4]]Ears to each other's speech as if above
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->6.5]]All else they sweet and learned were; this kind
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->6.6]]Content of lovers witnesseth true love,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->6.7]]It doth enrich the wits, and makes you see
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->6.8]]That in yourself which you knew not before,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->6.9]]Forcing you to admire such gifts should be
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->6.10]]Hid from your knowledge, yet in you the store;
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->6.11]]Millions of these adorn the Throne of Love*
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]How blest be* they then, who his favours prove.*
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]How blest be they then, who his favours prove
(text-color: "#696969")[West]A life whereof the birth is just desire,
(text-color: "#696969")[North]
(text-color: "#696969")[South]
[[West->7.1]]Breeding sweet flames* which hearts invite to move
(text-color: "#696969")[North]
(text-color: "#696969")[East]
[[West->7.2]]In those loved eyes which kindles Cupid's fire,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]And nurse his longings with his thoughts entire,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]Fixed on the heat of wishes formed by love,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]Yet as where fire destroys (if: $dothrespire is 'true')[[[this doth respire,->14.13]]] (else-if: $dothrespire is 'false')[this doth respire,]*
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->7.6]]Increase, and foster all delights above;
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]Love will a painter make you,* such, as you
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->7.8]]Shall able be to draw your only dear
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->7.9]]More lively, perfect, lasting, and more true
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->7.10]]Than rarest workmen,* and to you more near,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]These be the least, then needs must all* confess
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->7.12]]He that (link: "shuns")[(show:?Begin)] love doth love himself the less.
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
|Begin)[[[Start Over?->Begin]]]He that shuns love doth love himself the less,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]And cursed he whose spirit not admires
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
The worth of love, where endless blessedness
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->8.2]]Reigns, and commands, maintained by heavenly fires
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->8.3]]Made of virtue, joined by truth, blown by desires,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]Strengthened by worth, renewed by carefulness
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]Flaming in never-changing thoughts, briars
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]Of jealousy shall here miss welcomeness,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
(set: $jealousy to 'true')Nor coldly [[pass->12.4]] in the pursuits of love
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]Like one long frozen in a sea of ice,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->8.9]]And yet but chastely let your passions move
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]No thought from virtuous love your minds entice
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]Never to other ends your fancies place
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]But where they may return with honour's grace.
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
(set: $jealousy to 'false')But where they may return with honour's grace
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]Where Venus' follies can no harbour win,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->9.1]]But chased, are as worthless of the face
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->9.2]]Or style of love, who hath lascivious been.
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->9.3]]Our hearts are subjects* to her son;* where sin
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]Never did dwell, nor* rest one minute's space
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->9.5]]What faults he hath, in her did still begin,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]And from her breast he sucked his fleeting pace.
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->9.7]]If lust be counted love, 'tis falsely named
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]By wickedness a fairer gloss to set
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]Upon that Vice, which else makes men ashamed
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->9.10]]In the own phrase to warrant,* but beget
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]This child for love, who ought like monster born
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West] Be from the court of Love, and reason torn.
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->9.13]]Be from the court of Love and Reason torn,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]For Love in Reason now doth put his trust,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->10.1]]Desert and liking are together born,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->10.2]]Children of love and reason, parents just.
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->10.3]]Reason adviser is, Love ruler must
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->10.4]]Be of the state which crown he long hath worn,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]Yet so as neither will in least mistrust
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]The government where no fear is of scorn,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->10.7]]Then reverence both, their mights thus made but* one,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]But wantonness, and all those errors shun,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->10.9]]Which wrongers be, impostures, and alone
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->10.10]]Maintainers of all follies ill begun;
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->10.11]]Fruit of a sour, and unwholesome ground
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]Unprofitably pleasing, and unsound.
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->10.13]]Unprofitably pleasing, and unsound
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]When heaven gave liberty to frail, dull earth
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]To bring forth plenty that in ills abound
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->11.2]]Which ripest yet do bring a certain dearth
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]A timeless, and unseasonable birth
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->11.4]]Planted in ill, in worse time springing found,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]Which hemlock-like* might feed a sick wit's mirth*
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->11.6]]Where unruled vapours swim in endless round,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]Then joy we not in what we ought to shun
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->11.8]]Where shady pleasures show, but true-born fires
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->11.9]]Are quite quenched out, or by poor ashes won
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->11.10]]Awhile to keep those cool, and wan desires.
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->11.11]]O no, let Love his glory have and might
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]Be given to him who triumphs in his right.
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]You find yourself in a strange place. It is filled with lines, and twists, and turns, and you do not know where they lead. You are sure there must be a way through.
<audio src="" autoplay>
(set: $dothrespire to 'false')
(set: $jealousy to 'false')Be given to him who triumphs in his right
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West](text-style: "fade-in-out")[Nor fading be, but like those blossoms fair]
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West](transition: "shudder")[Which [[fall->9.9]] for good, and [[lose->2.7]] their colours bright]
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]Yet die not, but with fruit their loss repair,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
So may love make you pale with loving care
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]When sweet enjoying shall restore that light
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->12.5]]More clear in beauty than we can compare,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]If not to Venus in her chosen night*.
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]And who so give themselves in this dear kind
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->12.8]]These happinesses shall attend them still:
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]To be supplied with joys, enriched in mind
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->12.10]]With treasures of contents, and pleasure's fill,
set to some if visited some sort of image or text appears in another earlier box
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]Thus Love to be divine doth here appear
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]Free from all fogs, but shining faire, and clear.
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->12.13]]Free from all fogs but shining fair, and clear
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]Wise in all good, and innocent in ill
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->13.1]]Where holy friendship is esteemed dear
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]With truth in love, and justice in our will,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]In love these titles only have their fill
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->13.4]]Of happy life maintainer, and the mere
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]Defence of right, the punisher of skill,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->13.6]]And fraud; from whence directness doth appear.
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]To thee then, Lord commander of all hearts,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->13.8]]Ruler of our affections, kind and just,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->13.9]]Great king of Love, my soul from feigned smarts
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]Or thought of change, I offer to your trust
if click on change then the pathway choices shift in front of the player's eyes
if click on trust print pathway taken?
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->13.11]]This crown, my self, and all that I have more,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->13.12]]Except my heart which you bestowed before.
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]Except my heart which you bestowed before,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]And for a sign of conquest gave away
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->14.1]]As worthless to be kept in your choice store
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->14.2]]Yet one more spotless with you doth not stay.
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->14.3]]The tribute which my heart doth truly pay
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->14.4]]Faith untouched is, pure thoughts discharge the score
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->14.5]]Of debts for me, where constancy bears sway,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->14.6]]And rules as Lord, unharmed by envy's sore.
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->14.7]]Yet other mischiefs fail not to attend,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->14.8]]As enemies to you, my foes must be;
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->14.9]]Curst (if: $jealousy is 'true')[[[jealousy->8.8]]] |jealousy)[jealousy](else-if: $jealousy is 'false')[(show: ?jealousy)] doth all her forces bend
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
To my undoing; thus my harms I see.
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
[[West->14.11]]So though in love I fervently do burn,
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
$wall[West]In this strange labyrinth how shall I |turn)[[[turn->exit]]]?
(set: $wall to (text-color: "#696969"))
(link: "North")[(show:?turn)]}
[[West->14.13]]<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/MVlDLnb"><a href="//"></a></blockquote><script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>This text adventure game uses Lady, Mary Wroth's 17th-century sonnet corona from the sequence *Pamphilia to Amphilanthus* as its basis.
|corona)[A corona is a set of fourteen sonnets of fourteen lines each. The final line of each sonnet becomes the first line of the following sonnet.]
|maze)[In this game, the sonnet corona takes the form of a maze, rendering the sonnnet form less linear even as it makes explicit the form's spatial impulses.]
|game)[In this game, you will be presented with a screen with a line of poetry and then a list of directions. Each line of poetry constitutes the "description" of a room in the maze, and selecting a direction takes you to a new room.]
|choices)[Some choices alter later available choices.]
|lines)[Some lines also present in-line choices that carry varying effects of revealing more or different text or transporting the player to a new location in the maze.]
|entrance)[The entrance and exit always remain in place and will always be the first and final line of the corona.]
(live: 3s)[(show: ?corona)(stop:)]
(live: 6s)[(show: ?maze)(stop:)]
(live: 9s)[(show: ?game)(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[(show: ?choices)(stop:)]
(live: 15s)[(show: ?lines)(stop:)]
(live: 18s)[(show: ?entrance)(stop:)]|first)[You found yourself in a strange place.]
|second)[You were sure there was a way through.]
|third)[It was filled with lines, and twists, and turns.]
|finally)[They have lead, finally, here.]
|and)[Are you sure you're (link: "free")[(show:?Begin)]?]
(live: 3s)[(show: ?first)(stop:)]
(live: 6s)[(show: ?second)(stop:)]
(live: 9s)[(show: ?third)(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[(show: ?finally)(stop:)]
(live: 14s)[(show: ?and)(stop:)]
|Begin)[[[Start Over?->Begin]]]"*The poems must be seen as fluid rather than fixed in a particular order*." <a href="";target="_blank">Paul Salzman</a>